Amazonia 2010
Bilde 9(2).png
Bilde 8(2).png
Bilde 3(2).png
Amazonia 2010
Amazonia 2010

When California was descovered one of the storys that was told was ablout the female amozons, they where beautyful, huge, exothic and the only people in California. The only metal that existed there was gold so the amazons used it for everyday things.

The thought is the glossy yet sureal feeling. The feeling of beeng from "the old country" or the nordic country and visiting USA, its kind of a strange thing.

We are so alike but yet so far far away in every way.

As a tribute, and trough the legendary fantasy artist Boris Vallejo, this images became.

Bilde 9(2).png
Bilde 8(2).png
Bilde 3(2).png